More tickets in store than ever before

Introducing Fan-to-Fan Resale

Get in to events you thought were sold out with tickets sold by fans and verified by Ticketmaster. Less missing out, more going out.

This symbol means you're seeing tickets from other fans too.

We Guarantee The Seat You Buy Is The Seat You Get

Other sites may offer a money back guarantee or "comparable" seats if something goes wrong. But with us, even tickets transferred or resold to you are 100% verified and issued in your name so they can't be counterfeited.

All Your Options,
All In One Spot

Comparison shop seats without leaving our site. See tickets from the venue and other fans plus Premium Offers, and VIP Packages to find the perfect spot for your unforgettable experience.

Take Control Of Your Tickets

Plans changed? Reach tons of buyers who need seats.

Now you can sell your tickets straight from your account on the world's largest ticket store, as well as our partner sites powered by Ticketmaster verified tickets.

NFL Ticket Exchange NHL Ticket Exchange NBATickets Live Nation Get Started

Send tickets to
friends - FREE.

Take the work out of delivering tickets with Ticket Transfer, and never wait at the gate for the friend who's always late.

Skip the printer and get in with your phone.

Your tickets are in your Ticketmaster app and ready to go when you are. Got an iPhone? You can even add your tickets to Passbook® two days before the event.

Add to Passbook

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