by 野兔飞到饭锅里 on 2025-01-28Rating: 5 out of 5牛郎织女一年只能相聚一次~可是今年我能连见深深两次~是多么幸运的事呀~23年我漂洋过海来看你~今年你漂洋过海来看我~很开心很开心~宝贝我们多伦多见=^.^=
« You see him, you know him, you love him. » « You see him, you know him, you love him. » « You see him, you know him, you love him. » The most important thing must repeat three times.
因为海外歌迷/海米之前几乎没有机会参加周深的现场,许愿可以考虑加一些早年发的好歌。 个人向心愿单: 一缕执念,末日飞船,浅浅,浓情淡如你,水形物语,玫瑰与小鹿,愿得一心人,可梦,能解答一切的答案 梦回神都(我知道不可能,但在油管也有180万播放量呢,最爱中的最爱) 其中愿得一心人唱K时得到一些非华人的称赞(我也有点疑惑) 虽然可能一切都是妄想,但梦里什么都有哈哈!
终于抢到加场票内场座位。第一次听深深的现场 好期待。到时北美站尾场见咯。希望有意外惊喜 好运相伴。😻💞💝💖good show🤩😍
My whole family flew to China to watch Zhou Shen's concerts last year. Zhou Shen is a singer worthy of anyone's pursuit. I am lucky to be able to attend his concerts in the United States and Canada again. He is one of the best singers in the world.
we are not still get zhoushen’s ticket! Hope we can do something to welcome his coming! Hope he can get a large concern place for next time!
Gook luck! Hope to have a ticket to meet ZhouShen!
I Happy to get the tickets for Zhou Shen, it's my first time to get tickets from TM.
It’s so hard to get one ticket, five helpers try to get one ticket and we failed. Hope we could get one today.
Zhou Shen’s artistry has inspired my son to learn Mandarin in Canada, pursue vocal training and stage performance, all while exploring Chinese history and culture through books. I hope to get great seats and surprise my son with an unforgettable concert experience.