Chad thanks for the concert
by Forsey on 2018-06-26Brandt Centre - Evraz Place - ReginaRating: 4 out of 5Hit after hit, slow dancing me and My girl. Lots of country rock, keeps us young at heart.
Hit after hit, slow dancing me and My girl. Lots of country rock, keeps us young at heart.
He's personable, he's got a fabulous voice and he's easy on the eyes ... what more could I ask for.
Great Concert. Chad Brownlee put on a great show. Knew all his songs
Great Show Enjoyed meeting Chad after the show Was unhappy with the attendance because tickets were very reasonable
The concert was amazing, Where our seats were was right in line with the speakers so could not see the stage properly. Empty seats further down so we moved and then everything could be seen good. Very good interaction with the crowd, the floor people were very noisy talking and was distracting to hear that but they were drinking so thats why. Otherwise we enjoyed his concert. We have seen him before so thats why we went again. The tickets prices were great as well.
This event was a smaller type of concert but Chad was definitely full of energy during the whole event and had the crowd entertained for the whole time. The seating area opened had just the right amount open to allow for floor standing area and seats in the stands. The ticket prices were also very affordable as well the assortment of merchandise available to purchase.
Chad Brownlee is a great performer, amazing voice, and gets the crowd into it! Would Definitely see him live again.
From what I can remember and what I watched back on snap chat it was a great night.
As usual Chad put on an awesome show but after waiting til 10:30 pm for the show to finally start and then he only played for an hour was very disappointing!!!
It was our first time at the casino for a concert,it was awesome.Chad Brownlee was great! Loved his voice,he sounded awesome.Opening acts were good as well.