Paisley excellent. Venue disappointing.
by Altex on 2011-03-22Reliant Stadium - HoustonRating: 1 out of 5As expected, Mr. Paisley and company did a professional job presnting their music to an apprecieative audiance. The problem was with the venue and crowds there for the rodeo. The nearest parking was exactly one mile (measured on Google maps) away, and took over one hour to locate, thanks to the less-than-helpful signs. The walk from the car to Reliant (and back again) was through a crowded pressing midway. Seriously, folks, I've had a better time running a TSA gauntlet than I did trying to get my wife and I to and from Reliant.
I knew these were nose-bleed seats when I purchased them and they were reasonably priced, so I wasn't surprised by the view. And I didn't expect the sound to be great either - it's a football stadium after all. However, I was shocked at how appalling the sound actually was. Kind of like a chain saw stuck inside a rain barrel. This venue (Reliant Stadium) would be suitable for sports events, monster truck rallies and moto-cross, but is not suitable for music. Any music. I wouldn't even want to see AC/DC here (and I'm a big fan of theirs).