The best show in my life
by Metal man on 2023-11-24Centre Bell - MontrealRating: 5 out of 5Wow kiss.perfect performance, lights, fire works,costumes,make up.never person Will do a better like that.thanks kiss and long live
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KISS has been a pinnacle of live entertainment for five decades. The rock gods (led by Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley) have released 44 albums, selling over 100 million worldwide. With more gold albums than any band in American history (30 in total), KISS have established themselves as one of the most commercially successful bands ever. The legends have produced fist-pumping anthems like “Detroit Rock City,” “Rock and Roll All Nite” and “Heaven’s on Fire,” and their merchandising empire extends over 3,000 global licenses — reportedly breaking sales records set by the Beatles and Elvis — with an iconic logo that supports a billion-dollar retail machine. Nowhere has KISS made more of an impression than on the road, though. The band’s theatrical stage costumes, exploding pyrotechnics, and fire-breathing choruses laid the groundwork for a five-decade run as rock’s “Greatest Show on Earth.” The iconic group’s 2023 End of the Road Tour wrapped up with one of rock’s most spectacular curtain calls at New York City’s Madison Square Garden (miles from where KISS first formed in 1973) on December 2, 2023.
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KISS headed out on the final leg of the End of the Road Tour in October 2023. After kicking off in Cincinnati, Ohio, the epic farewell tour covered much of North America, with KISS playing their final two shows in New York City’s Madison Square Garden on December 1 and December 2.
The final leg of the End of the Road Tour began on October 19 at the Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The End of the Road Tour took KISS across North America in the following cities:
Wow kiss.perfect performance, lights, fire works,costumes,make up.never person Will do a better like that.thanks kiss and long live
Un show exceptionnel. Malgré leur âge avancé les gars ont tout donné. Kiss c’est plus qu’un show, c’est une expérience et un événement.
This was an AMAZING show the Band was really giving all they have to make memories for the fans.THANK YOU KISS for all thoses years. Keep ROCK and ROLL ALL NIGHT
Best show ever! Did not deceive with the whole production that is KISS' trademark songs and pyrotechnics. All around great.
Horrible treatment to fans. Cancel the show with 45 minutes notice. With no explanation from the band or apology until 30 hours later. Total of 36 hours driving time and two grand for nothing. Horrible way to treat your fans no matter what. I get that people get sick. But they still should respect the people that spend their hard earn money, they could’ve put out a 30 second video as they cancelled it.
They are still at their best. I hope it would not be the last they come to town.
What a show, live music from that mythic group was a lifetime experience. Everything from vocals, scenic and fireworks was just perfect for their last appearance in Québec city. Sat Section 105 Row PP Seat 13
After a long and exhausting twenty hour drive from Labrador, I kick my shoes off in defeat. I am dying with a flu. I don’t want to go anywhere, I wasn’t even going to go to the concert that I paid so much money for. But why drive all this way to give up. This was their last tour, the last time they would ever play in Quebec City ever again. I didn’t want to give up on such a great opportunity to watch the beat band in the world play live. So I put my shoes back on, I grab my phone and I proceed to find my way to the Vidéotron Centre. I was 5 hrs early, looking for my way in, doors were locked, but yet so many people were already inside. Not able to speak French I walk back and forth from entrance to exit to entrance to exit trying to find a way in. Then finally a lady comes out and asks “VIP ?”. And of course you know I have the VIP, this was my first ever concert. There are so many people everywhere. People dressed up, people taking pictures, people looking at merchandise, laughing and cheering, the energy was good. And we haven’t even gotten to see the band yet. We were just in the lobby waiting for the sound check. A man comes out, explaining what was about to happen. Finally the line moves, was this it? Is the wait time over? No. One more small wait, up over the steps and into the bar we go. I meet all kinds of people. I take as many pictures as I can and I chat with as many fans as possible. People from all over Canada. My phone filled up quickly with new contacts and fallows on Facebook. Everybody was so nice.they made the experience that much better. And now we are here, it’s time for the soundcheck, as we walk into the stadium, I stall. The lights, the banners, the status, the art, the stage. It was so awesome. I took pictures of everything. I get to the very front row, I can almost touch the stage. Im laughing and smiling and next thing you know, Gene Simmons walks out onto stage waving and smiling, then Paul, and tommy, then last but not least Eric. Now this being just sound check, they are not in costume, they hear talking, throwing out guitar picks, as people ask questions and of course they play a few songs. And almost the entire time Tommy was looking right at me, winking and smiling. As if he knew me. It was incredible. The sound check, the fans, the drinking and then finally the concert it self. It was off the wall, incredibly insane. Lights, lasers, smoke, fire, explosives. The stadium roared and you can feel every bit run through your veins. The drums pounding through your chest, it was like magic. Nothing like I have never experienced ever before in my life. Over 15,000 fans. And the greatest band of all time. I was not disappointed. Thank you very much Kiss, for this magical moment in my life. I could not ask for anything more.
Premier show à vie pour mes filles et leur papa!!!! On va s'en rappeler pour le reste de nôtre vie !!! 🤘😜🤘
The band was great, first time at a KISS concert. Sound could have been much much better for Crown Lands as well as KISS. Merch lines should be relocated...they were interfering with entrance lines and ticket scanners staff.
Went to the KISS concert in Quebec City. Everything was fantastic and went smoothly from the parking, to getting in and getting everything for the sound check and then going from there to waiting a while and then into the concert. KISS concerts are the absolute best!
We were level 309 upper front stage, with the spotlight setup we could not view the stage , it was very bad for the view, so we leave before ending of the show
What a great show! Fantastic! Really happy to had the chance to see them for a last time!
Meilleur show à vie!!! C'était le cadeau d'anniversaire de notre garçon de 7 ans. Il nous a dit que c'était son meilleur cadeau jusqu'à présent. Il adore le groupe. Il ne fait que parler de Kiss. Nous avons passé une soirée mémorable!
Meilleur show à vie. Des pros du showbiz! Inoubliable! Extrêmement généreux envers leurs fans.
No one else can entertain like KISS does! Fabulous show for the 4th time and sadly the last!
Wow! This concert was so great!! They put on a very entertaining show!!
A lot of Pyrotechnics 🧨 and fire !!!!🤘🏻🔥🔥💥 Good sound and lots of lights and lasers !!
C étais la première fois que je les voyais très très très content de les avoir vue merci à Kiss d’avoir passé à Québec pour une dernier fois
Je n’ai jamais vu de show aussi exceptionnel, magique, malade que ce show de KISS. La pyrotechnie, le stage, même la voix, tout était là pour passer le moment le plus fantastique jamais vécu. Un mégalo-show